I asked, "Father you spoke of training as a gladiator from a lanista in Urik but there is no record of your participating in an event in any arena in Urik."
The shade spoke slowly, "Yes this is true. I was trained in Urik and fought in practice bouts but I was fortunate that my lanista sold me before my first death match."
That explained much, "Father who bought you and where were you taken?"
"It was those cursed slavers the dray. It seems that there was a shortage of dwarven gladiators in Draj and I was worth far more there than in Urik. My guess is that they were looking for dwarven gladiators to breed muls, something I would never do."
"Father even in Draj I found no record of a gladiatorial match in which you participated."
The shade of my father paused again, "That is strange........ but perhaps not impossible. It was one of the small arenas with cheap seats I don't even recall the name. Unknown novice gladiators and an audience from the poor quarters so it was likely to escape notice."
The shade paused, "Hmmm also someone may have covered it up as it ended in a minor gladiator revolt."
"Tell me of the match father."
"I was waiting in the holding area with other gladiators, eyeing them trying to decide what tactics to use against each. As it turned out it was a one of those crazy 'capture the flag' events. There were four of us; a tarek with a bone pick, a human with two obsidian short swords, the weaponless mul Bo or Beau or something, and myself. I remember the mul because I had spoken with him in the holding pen. The tricky part was that the crier had declared that a gladiator that got hold of the flag and kept it would be freed."

"The match began and the tarek, the mul, and the human charged up the pyramid ignoring the webs that seemed out of place. I will never claim to be some sort of gladiator champion and hero so I waited to see what happened. I just wanted to get out this alive so that I could return to my family someday but the flag was tempting too temping. The human and the tarek where attacked by some kind of eight legged glass-like creature that looked sort of like a kank. Once it seemed that the trap had been played out I started climbing the pyramid but it was harder than it looked. The mul, Bo, also avoided combat and went for the flag but he was having a rough time of it since it seemed to be tied to something inside the pyramid. To my shame I have to admit I briefly considered hacking down the unarmed mul to get the flag myself. But in the end my kinder nature won out and I figured it was better for one of us to return to his family than none of us. If I had to choose it someone else it would have to the one that carried dwarven blood in his veins anyway. I hacked the leather rope and the flag came free in the mul's hand. With this done I thought I should probably help the other two gladiators. The human looked to be in worse shape so I joined him against the eight legged crystal kank. I killed the creature but not in time to save the human's life. By then the tarek had died and the mul was having a rough time of it on the other side of the pyramid. I ran over and distracted the creature and the severely injured mul finished the beast off with a spinning kick to the head."
"What happened then father? You spoke of a minor gladiator revolt?"
"Yeah right. I sort of didn't really pay attention at the time but while we were fighting there was a cage close by that held some baby crystal kank thingies. The cage opened and released the little monsters on the crowd and the handlers. The crowd started to stampede and the mul Bo and I thought to use the confusion to escape. I saw an elf, an archer, nearby and since they spend most of their time running from the templars I figured that following him was our best bet to escape. It didn't turn out that way though the elf led us right into an ambush and we were out numbered and taken out..........."
My father stopped and appeared to be concentrating with a troubled expression on what would be his face had he been alive. I asked, "What is wrong father?"
The shade answered with a grimace on his 'face', "My memories end here and I cannot account for where I was or what I did for some time."
I responded, "Please father try. Please concentrate. I know it is hard but the ritual should be linking you to your living memories."
My father responded in an apologetic tone, "I am sorry......... daughter. I feel other memories stirring but these are denied to me."
"How can that be father?"
He paused, "It seems that these memories were denied to me while I lived as well."
That was extremely strange but at least it made sense. "Father please then tell me of whatever you remember next."
Concentrating he replied, "The next thing I remember is awakening in the desert next to the weaponless mul Bo, the elf I followed on our failed escape, and a dray slaver......."
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