My father's shade clearly wanted to say more but was bound by the magic of the ritual which only forces responses to direct questions. Therefore I spoke again to prompyt him, "If there is something you wish to add, Father, speak to me."
The spirit of my father seemed relieved and spoke quickly, "After leaving Roam I felt I had delayed my return to you and your mother in Urik longer than strickly necessary, though in truth I did not know exactly how much time had passed since I had been enslaved as a gladiator. We joined a caravan headed to Urik for safety. The trip was mostly uneventful. We did however kill a deadly gaj. They have powers of the Way that give it some ability at mind control as it turns out and it was a tough battle. While with the caravan we also met a slave boy named Scab. He was wrapped with bandages and Jorvak was quite taken with him. Jorvak traded the flaming magic sword for the boy and then Scab joined the Unforgiven. As far as I know it was all on the up and up and no "subverting" was going on.
"Soon we arrived in Urik and I searched the city for you and your mother. It was then that I started using the false name of Stone. Eventually I found a dwarf that had word of you and your mother. He said that he heard you had gone to a place called Kled a city ruled by dwarves. So we got on the road again as quick as we could and headed for Kled. On the way we saw this powerful storm that call to us like a sand woman fey. I didn't trust it but we decided to look in to it anyway. When we passed into the storm we were attacked by two more of those beasts that resemble the legends of the tembo. But we killed them easily so they must have been some other sort of beast. At the end of the battle a guy arrived and put a dagger into the last tembo. At first I thought he was a human but later I found out he was actually half elf. His name was Ash and he was a fair had with a dagger. As we were talking to him a vine thing grew out of a trap door. You don't see that much green in the desert and it spooked me. I was sure magic was at work here. But if so it was of the better sort. Despite my complaints my friends insisted on investigating but they said there would be water so I went along with it."
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