My father looked into my eyes and began to speak, "That is because I must now speak of how I failed my family and my life's focus. We needed a few days to rest and heal after the trials of this great combat for the magic seed. But after that the last few days to Kled were uneventful. Arriving in Kled was one of the best experiences of my life. A city filled with dwarves where dwarves ruled and no one was a slave. It was like breathing again after holding your breath in a dust storm. It was like coming home but to a place you had never been before. I can't really describe it I don't have the words. My most important concern was finding you and your mother. I was told that you and your mother had been in Kled and I was directed to a dwarf woman you kept the records of refugees. Most of the dwarves of Kled were illiterate so the kept records by memory. Unfortunately the record keeper had turned up missing and our dwarven kin were organizing a search party. I offered the assistance of the Unforgiven mercenary company.
The dwarves brought us to a strange magic blue wall that kind of looked like glass but was not solid. When we passed though the magic barrier we seemed to be transported to another world but yet we were in the same place still. There were men there, evil men they seemed wearing iron with iron weapons in their hands. Even more strange there were some sort of dwarf-like creatures fighting them. These dwarf-people wore iron and carried iron but were even stranger than the humans. These dwarf-people were scrawny and had hair on their faces as well as their heads. Forced to choose sides, we joined the hairy dwarves against the humans. As we fought them Jarvik yelled that the dwarves had given him some kind of a magic ball and that he was sure it belonged in the top of the big ball in the center of the room where we fought. The battle was quick and furious. The humans were all defilers on top of being dangerous swordsmen. The leader almost killed Rhogar but I was able to keep him on his feet. Then they nearly killed me. Just as we were starting to win the battle a large human appeared and spoke the word "Borys".

It meant nothing to me at the time and the human spoke a strange tongue that I could not make out. Just as we were preparing to meet this new threat, Jarvik was able to slam the little ball into some opening at the top of the big ball and everything went back to normal. But were still in the same place. It was very strange. My friends said that we went back in time but I never believed it. Nothing mattered to me except that the record dwarf woman were were sent to rescue was dead and I had lost my one chance to find you."
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