Friday, November 23, 2012

Kled Again?

"Eventually we arrived in Kled and thing were very bad. A small civil war was going on between the dwarves we knew and a new prophet of Stonebrother. At first I thought that he sounded like someone I wanted to be friends with but the more I heard the more I was unsure. So I decided to help the dwarves out by talking to this Prophet. We were told that the prophet passed through an area where cursed dwarven banshees were imprisoned and so we had to go that way to. Some ghost tried to tell us to go back but with the door shut behind us we had no choice. The banshee city was a huge pit with terraces in the shape of circles. We had to cross these annoying stone head that breathed gusts of wind. After that we had to climb a hill and we got into a big battle with these stone dwarf elemental things. I took quite a beating from them and I would have died if Ix hadn't saved me. It turned out that all we had to do was stand at the bottom of the hill and pepper the things with arrows. After that we were exhausted so we slept on this huge staircase. We were attacked by a horde of zombies but we cut them down easily."

"After that we found a room with a giant statue made of iron. Somehow we were not suprised when the statue animated and attacked us. We tried to run past the creature but the exit was blocked by defiling magic so we could not leave until the iron giant was defeated and the giant could not be defeated. Eventually my smart friends figured out that if we destroy the altars and the pillars we could escape. Soon after that we confronted the other gem man the brother Ga-something. I was expecting to talk to a fellow worshipper of Stonebrother but instead we found the gem man controlling a group of dwarves. The battle was hard on my friends but my dwarf-brothers could not stand before me and I cut them down without mercy. Eventually there was only a dwarf defiler and the gem man left and they fled in fear."

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this. I've been prepping a new Dark Sun campaign and this has captured some of the feel for me. What a shame you weren't able to finish! :)
